Ship to the U.S. from Canada and save up to 76% on shipping

National carriers like Canada Post and UPS charge ridiculous fees to get your orders to your U.S. customers from Canada. Save up to 76% with 247's direct relationships with U.S. carriers.

247's Canadian warehouses are close to the US, making it easy to offer the same quick fulfillment that your customers are used to – there’s no loss in transit time and you'll save on shipping because you’ll still be using 247's U.S. domestic and aggressive rates.

How exactly does Section 321 fulfillment work? Keep reading.

Benefits of shipping to the U.S. from Canada via Section 321 fulfillment

Reclaim your import duties using Section 321 fulfillment from Canada to the U.S.

Canada has numerous preferential trade agreements, particularly with Asian countries, that result in lower, or in some cases no duties. By importing your products into Canada, you could save thousands on import fees.

Yes, you'll have to pay import fees to get your products into Canada, but you can reclaim any import duties paid for product you imported into Canada and then shipped to a U.S. customer.

Then, you can fulfill U.S. orders directly from Canada using Section 321 at no extra cost or loss in shipping speed.

Does 247 Fulfillment have fulfillment centers in Canada?
Yes. 247 Fulfillment is a 3PL in Canada with a fulfillment center located in the heart of Toronto, Ontario, making shipping to the U.S.A. quick and efficient via Section 321 Fulfillment. Our fulfillment center in Toronto, Ontario is centrally located near many important hubs and Pearson International Airport, ensuring your packages are processed quickly and handed off to the carriers.
How are orders able to cross into the U.S. duty-free with Section 321 fulfillment?
Section 321 allows any orders with a value of $800 USD or less to pass through customs easily. Of course, there are some more intricacies, paperwork and details involved with Section 321 fulfillment to the U.S., but let us handle that.
How fast is shipping to the U.S. from Canada through Section 321 fulfillment
Orders are processed according to our SLA and handed off to the carriers. Shipping to the U.S. from Canada through Section 321 fulfillment often takes 3-6 business days (4 days on average across the U.S.)
Can you ship to the United States as a 3PL in Canada? How?
We ship to USA via DHL Ecommerce through Section 321, ensuring you get fast delivery times to your American customers at similar rates and shipping speeds to if you were to ship from the United States. No duties, taxes or headaches. For more information, check out how we ship to the U.S. here.
What are the benefits of using a 3PL in Canada to ship into the U.S. via Section 321 versus shipping from within the U.S.?
Shipping from Canada to the U.S. through Section 321 fulfillment has several key benefits.

By leveraging Section 321 fulfillment for your brand, you can:

1. Store inventory in 1 location rather than splitting it between warehouses across North America
2. Similar shipping speeds and costs compared to shipping within the U.S.
3. Ship to both Canada and the U.S. fast and duty-free. You cannot ship from the U.S. to Canada duty-free.
4. Save on import duties. Due to Canada's numerous trade agreements with Asian countries, it means that the cost to import products into Canada is often cheaper than the cost to import into the U.S. Many times, this can be difference of more than 10% of your product cost. By importing into Canada instead of the U.S. and leveraging Section 321 fulfillment, you deliver the same amazing experience to your customers while potentially saving thousands of dollars on import fees, which you can later reclaim.

Want to calculate how much it costs to ship your products to usa via section 321 fulfillment?

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